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Lyoto Machida Discusses His UFC 129 Victory Over Randy Couture
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Post Lyoto Machida Discusses His UFC 129 Victory Over Randy Couture - 05-02-2011, 07:23 PM

See what Machida has to say…

- Lyoto Machida (17-2 MMA, 9-2 UFC) recently spoke about his UFC 129 victory over Randy Couture, here are the highlights…

On Feeling The Pressure: "I did feel a lot of pressure because I was coming off back-to-back losses. I was very anxious and wanted to get in there to show the best Lyoto Machida the world has seen."

On The Seagal Kick: "I train this kick a lot," Machida said. "I've had it in my arsenal, and I just had to wait for the right moment to pull the trigger and utilize it. The technique itself [Silva and I have] both known for a long time. But I definitely think Steven Seagal being involved and influencing us and helping us perfect the kick definitely made a difference. [Seagal] always reinforced that to me – to try that kick. 'That kick will land, and it will work.' I definitely give credit to him for helping me perfect that kick."

On Training For The Fight: "The training was pretty much the same, but we did hire some different people to add on to our team," Machida said. "We brought in a nutritionist, a different coach to help out in different areas. The training was pretty much the same, but I did adapt and make some changes to it. The main changes were to my strength and conditioning. I made a lot of changes there and also to my karate. I went back and trained a lot of karate that brought me to where I am today."

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