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Report: Zuffa accepts bid of $4.2 billion for UFC sale, White staying on
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Post Report: Zuffa accepts bid of $4.2 billion for UFC sale, White staying on - 06-21-2016, 01:03 AM

It sounds like the sale of the UFC is marching ahead successfully. FloCombat reports that sources close to the company are saying that a group of investors have put together a $4.2 billion bid for the MMA organization and that Zuffa has accepted it.

This potential new ownership group apparently consists of WME-IMG, the Dailan Wanda Group, The Kraft Group, and Tencent Holdings. Alongside this news are reports that, despite selling his shares as part of the deal, President of Operations Dana White would be staying on in his role with the promotion, apparently receiving a new stake in the company as well.

We’ll be sure to bring you more coverage as the story unfolds, as this could be a massive shakeup for the promotion going forward.

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